Redefining lunch

Soup by Itsu

The British restaurant chain Itsu approached us to help them create an impactful communications campaign to promote their new hot food menu and let people know they offer more than sushi.

We set out to grab people’s attention and challenge perceptions with arresting typography, bold colours and a tongue-in-cheek tone of voice that referenced high fashion advertising clichés.

The art direction combined delicious food with stylised hand models, sharp contrast and bright backgrounds to break the convention for high street food photography.

A modular layout system was developed to ensure the campaign could be successfully adapted across 70 stores, digital advertising and other media placements.

"OMSE were an absolute dream to work with. A perfect combination of clear disciplined strategy, creative style and strong project management skills ensured that I delivered some of my most successful campaigns without any stress."

Maria Doggin, Head of Marketing


  • Creative Directors

    Briton SmithJames Kape
  • Designers

    Tom Schwaiger Mitchell Gillies
  • Photography & Video

    Robert Streeter
  • Food Stylist

    Laurie Perry

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